Friday, August 03, 2007


Before jumping into our family's history, I feel that it is very important for me to briefly comment on the tragic collapse of the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis. Having been a college student in the Twin Cities, I have traveled across the Mississippi River bridges more times than I can remember. Seeing one of them lying in the river after collapsing was almost surreal as I watched the events unfold on the news. Thankfully as far as I know everyone I know is safe and sound, but my condolences go out to those who lost a loved one in this tragic event. I can only echo the statements of countless people since then: let's hope that this, along with the steam explosion in NY a couple of weeks ago, serves as a wake up call about our aging infrastructure and the need to overhaul or replace large portions of it. Here's a thought... instead of spending billions of dollars a month occupying a foreign country, let's use the money to fix our bridges and roads and pipes... things that literally seem to be falling apart and exploding around us. Just a thought.

Back in the swing!

Hello again!

After more than a year I'm back! I'm going to continue to use this space to post interesting finds about our family, new discoveries, links to other researchers, thanks to those who have helped me, etc. But I am also going to be using this blog as a place to discuss other things as well. Chief among these will be issues that I think are important and the goings on in my very own life. Although I'm not writing for this express purpose, perhaps some day someone researching me will stumble across this blog and be thrilled to have such a record... who knows...

Anyway I'm back and I'm hoping that someone out there finds something here worth reading or responding to. I love to share stories and information about our family so please do not hesitate to comment or write me!